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Analyze how FRP chimneys protect the environment

author:   release time:2019-06-03    views:1782
How does the FRP chimney protect the environment? The ultimate goal of this process is to filter out harmful gases and then discharge the gases that meet the environmental protection standards.
So, what is the purpose of purifying this air for the FRP chimney? The following Yunbai Xiaobian introduces to you:

The working principle of the FRP chimney is to separate the pollutants in the gas and convert them into harmless substances to achieve the purpose of purifying the gas. It belongs to the differential contact counterflow type, and the packing in the tower body is the basic component of gas-liquid two-phase contact. It provides a large enough surface area that does not cause excessive resistance to gas flow. Absorbent is the main medium for treating exhaust gas, its nature and concentration are selected according to the nature of different exhaust gases, and the consumption of unit gas is determined by calculating the ratio of the molar flow rate of the absorbent to the inert gas. The exhaust gas is sucked by the air duct and passes through the packing layer from bottom to top: the circulating absorbent passes through the liquid distributor from the top of the tower, is evenly sprayed onto the packing layer, flows down the surface of the packing layer, and enters the circulating water tank. As the ascending gas stream and the descending absorbent are continuously contacted in the packing, the concentration of the liquid in the ascending gas stream is getting lower and lower, and the discharge requirement is reached at the top of the column.

The relevant knowledge points about FRP chimney are mentioned here first. I hope to help everyone's work. For more information, please pay attention to the company website.

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